Magazine/Print, Graphic Design, UI/UX

A magazine layout and accompanying digital site for a men’s skincare magazine.

Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD


A project for my graphic design course. The instructions were to create a magazine cover and spread—as well a website layout—focusing on a topic of our choice.


I wanted to focus on men's skincare—a category in the beauty industry that’s seen a lot of growth due to the rise and popularity of Korean culture. Skincare is associated with self-care and relaxation. It also values natural ingredients and concepts. Thus, I decided to design my magazine around a minimal, clean, and bright concept. I also believe this would contrast and stand out against other magazines such as GQ and Sports Illustrated.

Magazine Layout

Requirements included, a cover, two spreads, a pull quote, and a graphic element of some kind. I decided to create an article covering the 10-step Korean skincare routine with my graphic element being a simple visual of the 10 steps.


Digital Article

The second piece of the project was to create a digital version of the magazine in Adobe XD. I included a homepage, liked, search and menu sections. The article itself was redesigned and formated to be user-friendly on personal devices.


Walkthrough of the Interface